Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hospital and Buckbeak

Buckbeak, showing his support for me when I was in the hospital. He's always been there for me. Come home soon buddy. We miss you!! PLEASE help us spread the word. Post everywhere you can. Tell everyone you know!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Miss You

Another pic of Buckbeak and I in London. This is from the day we went to see Shakespeare's house.... Buckbeak was soooooo bored, that he ended up flying around in circles above the streets and swooping down over the muggles, terrifying them! Hahaha. We had to wipe a few memories, but it was totally worth it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The search continues!!!

Rose was asked to prom by the most amazing date ever, this past year. Buckbeak was delighted when she answered yes!!! It is moments like these that we cherish the most. WE MISS YOU BUCKBEAK! Soon, everyone in the Wizarding AND Muggle World will come together in hopes of reuniting us. 
Have you spotted Buckbeak? Send us your pictures if you have seen him! Spread the word. Post our link everywhere you can. The search must continue to grow strong. Show your Support and leave a comment or send us an email! And CHECK BACK DAILY for updates!!
Thanks to all who are here for us. We will never give up.
-Nathaniel & Rose

Monday, January 24, 2011


Buckbeak and I in London over Summer Vacation. He may have went back without me. Anyone from London out there listening? Please! If you have any Buckbeak sightings of you own, email me or send me your pictures! We need all the help we can get guys! I will be making posters over the next few weeks to send out and post around the country. I will also provide posters for you guys to put up around your communities!
Keep on looking and dont give up!!

Thank You Penelope

Thanks for your assistance Penelope:

  Wow, Nathan, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your dear friend. I'm sure it's so hard for you in this muggle infested world, but know that the entire wizarding world is looking up to the skies for any sign of Buckbeak! I'll be hanging some dead ferrets outside, just in case. 
Best regards,
Penelope Gilliweed

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Buckbeak and Rose

This is my sister Rose and Buckbeak wrapped in his favorite baby blanket. 
I will be posting a picture a day until he is found. Spread the word and email us with any tips of his whereabouts. Email me with any information about where he might be or any ideas. findbuckbeak@gmail.com

Nathaniel Mandrake

We miss you.

Here is another picture of Buckbeak and I. 
This is just over a year old. Miss you Buckbeak. I will NOT give up on you. I know you're out there somewhere and I won't rest till you're here, back home.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Buckbeak and I (Nathaniel Mandrake)

This is Buckbeak and I when we went to the Dallas Aquarium this summer. Buckbeak LOVES sharks!!! We sat here for hours as he chased them around through the glass... We miss you buckbeak. Please help us find him! Email us at findbuckbeak@gmail.com  I will respond to every email personally. I hope to find him soon.
Nathaniel Mandrake

P.S. I did as best I could to "Muggle" myself out for the Aquarium visit. 

Find Buckbeak!!

Hey guys! Thank you so much for showing interest in the search for our dear pet Buckbeak. He is a Hippogriff and about 10 feet tall. He has white and grey feathers. The last time he was seen was January 20th at my quidditch practice! He is greatly missed and any information regarding his whereabouts would be greatly appreciated.
If you know anything, ANYTHING at all, please contact me or my sister Rose at findbuckbeak@gmail.com

Thank you so much. We will keep you updated with pictures and more information about our beloved friend Buckbeak.

Thanks Again,
Nathaniel Mandrake