Monday, January 24, 2011


Buckbeak and I in London over Summer Vacation. He may have went back without me. Anyone from London out there listening? Please! If you have any Buckbeak sightings of you own, email me or send me your pictures! We need all the help we can get guys! I will be making posters over the next few weeks to send out and post around the country. I will also provide posters for you guys to put up around your communities!
Keep on looking and dont give up!!


  1. Sorry to hear that your pet is loose. Since he was last seen at a Quidditch game, I would ask the players and fans to let you know when they last saw him.
    Please be careful - the Ministry of Magic may not appreciate having a hippogriff loose.
    Good Luck

  2. Thank you so much Marie. I have asked around the players at the Quidditch Pitch and no one has reported anything.
    The Ministry has been made aware and are assisting in our global efforts to reunite Buckbeak and I.
    Keep an eye out ;)
